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How To Use SUIBABot

Getting Started 

#1. Click the button below to launch SUIBABot on Telegram:

2. You will then see a button that says "Start". Press this button.

SUIBA Bot Telegram trading bot start button to start trading with the bot.

3. A greeting will appear that looks like this:

SUIBA Bot Telegram bot main menu - buy and sell crypto

You now have a wallet that can buy and sell! Now you just have to fund it.

4. To fund it, copy the address listed at the main menu, or click on the  "Wallet" button (pictured above).

Under "Your Wallet", you will find your address. You will want to copy this address. You can simply click on it and it will copy to your clipboard.

SUIBA Bot Telegram bot wallet menu and settings

 5. Next, you will go to whatever wallet you are using - SUI Wallet, Ethos Wallet, etc. and send your SUI to the address you copied. Remember: Send a small test amount first before sending a large amount to make sure everything is working as it should.

Once you send it, hit the "Refresh" button to make sure it landed in your wallet. You will see your SUI next to "Balance:".

6. You can also buy SUI by clicking on the "Buy/Get SUI" button (pictured above). These exchange options are subject to change, but there should always be an exchange listed here for you to buy it from.

SUIBA Bot menu for buying and selling SUI crypto from exchanges

Congratulations! You now have a funded, working SUIBABot that is ready to trade! Read below to learn how to buy and sell.

Buying & Selling with SUIBABot

 1. To get started buying and selling, you will need to click the "Buy" button on the main menu (to get back to the main menu, you can either type /Home, or click on the "Close" button to exit out of the wallet menu or whichever menu you are in.

2. After clicking on the "Buy" button, you will see this pop up:

SUIBA Bot buy token notification

3.Reply with the token address, Dexscreener, Birdeye, or Movepump link and the following will pop up:

SUIBA Bot Token address information

4. Click "Buy X Sui" to enter in how much SUI you would like to spend, or you can click on the "Buy 1 SUI" or "Buy 10 SUI" to immediately buy that much. You can customize these buttons in the settings menu.

SUIBA Bot successful crypto purchase on the SUI network

5. Congratulations! You have now made your first purchase!